STAT Comedy

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Why Am I a Paladin?

As you all most likely know, paladins are always looked at as an easy class to play, and that only “noobs” play it. Well I have played several classes I personally feel like a paladin suits me best.

In TBC I played a Rogue, and I never really liked being able to ONLY dps, I always wanted to feel like I am needed in a raid. What I mean by that is, as a tank if I die it will complicates things, or if I am healing and die the healing will be come more difficult. But for being a dps class if I die, it doesn’t matter too much because there is around another 18 dps that can pull my weight.

In Wotlk I have played a Death Knight, Shaman, and of course a paladin. Death Knights were fun to play and still are fun to play, but I knew I never wanted to be a melee dps class ever again, and after a while only tanking got really boring and with the constant nerfs to DKs (even though they needed it) it wasn’t helping my cause, so I started to level up the pally I power levelled up to 55 so I could make a DK.

The one thing I hate THE MOST about WoW is levelling, it has never been something I like to do no matter what. As I was levelling him up I already knew I wanted to be a healer and tank, since they are my two most favourite things to do since Dps was never going to be one of them. When I started to heal on my paladin it was very basic, since I am a tank healer but it is something I actually enjoyed and still play today.

So finally I settled in with the paladin and I feel like this is going to be my last level 80 character because druids are the only other class that offer the tank/healing specs but I just never felt like making one. Anyways, before I drag on for too much longer ill leave you guys here and get into my paladin’s spec and other fun stuff later J

Again, here is my Armory Click Here. And if you have any questions feel free to ask.

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